That waz guud
funny shit, pleaz make more
That waz guud
funny shit, pleaz make more
Xiao wa
Ohio Zhu, denwa bongu wa segasonic15 desu, XIAOXIAO No.Shi is roku og go!
We all love (but not you) has many great things. just because they are in .fla format doesn't neccesarily give you the right to remove the music and origional credits that it had when you stole it from
see for yourself at favorites.html
Nice Graphics . . . Errr . . .
It was good but probably could have been better.
o©º°¨¨°º©[SS15]©º°¨¨°©o =--==-=SEGASONIC15=-==--= -June 19 2001- Sonic Adventure 2
Age 44, Male
Running Really Fast
Dreamcast Programmers Guide
Green Hill Zone
Joined on 5/21/01